Welcome to my blog of natural curves!

Welcome to my blog of own original scans and Photoshop-restored select pages from mainly Danish Vintage-Erotica Magazines (50s to late 90s) like 'Ugens Rapport', 'Super Rapport', 'Guld Rapport', 'Classic Rapport', 'Pige-Special', 'Cats', 'Express', 'Varieté', 'PinUp', and more. And this was back when hair down below were generally EXISTING (even in pr0n!). Today, pubic hair seems to be mainly a reminder of "a bygone age". Yes, my thoughts exactly: this blog will focuse on such fertile-looking fem's (if I scan a shaved fem, she will most likely have big natural boobs, since I am a boob-man :)). This blog is also dedicated to 'Ugens Rapport', a classic Danish adult magazine sold in amazing 200.000 copies per week during the 70s in Denmark (had its 40th birthday in Feb 2012).
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2011.05.22 • As 'Angela' in Ugens Rapport Nr. 50, 11. december 1989 18. årgang • Set 1 • 9 IMG

I have still not identified this tropical, sweaty (or wet) black model. Here she appears as Angela, and someone in a forum mentioned the AKA name Sonja.

This is my first and currently only set of her. I would love to 'scan' her again (and do other stuff to her) so she will hopefully (an understatement) appear in my Danish vintage mag collection again. She also reminds me a bit of Karen Livingstone, another really, really, really, seriously, seriously...seriously stunning black model (to be scanned and restored in the days to come, when I find my magazine(s) with her)! :O

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