Welcome to my blog of natural curves!

Welcome to my blog of own original scans and Photoshop-restored select pages from mainly Danish Vintage-Erotica Magazines (50s to late 90s) like 'Ugens Rapport', 'Super Rapport', 'Guld Rapport', 'Classic Rapport', 'Pige-Special', 'Cats', 'Express', 'Varieté', 'PinUp', and more. And this was back when hair down below were generally EXISTING (even in pr0n!). Today, pubic hair seems to be mainly a reminder of "a bygone age". Yes, my thoughts exactly: this blog will focuse on such fertile-looking fem's (if I scan a shaved fem, she will most likely have big natural boobs, since I am a boob-man :)). This blog is also dedicated to 'Ugens Rapport', a classic Danish adult magazine sold in amazing 200.000 copies per week during the 70s in Denmark (had its 40th birthday in Feb 2012).
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2011.06.04 • As 'Gina' in Ugens Rapport Nr. 51. 18. december 1989. 18. årgang. • Set 1 • 10 IMG

Caroline Barker/Backer as 'Gina' in this set from 1989, scanned/restored in June 2011, often seems to be confused with Donna Ewin (shit, she needs to be posted too). Both are amazing classic busty models, if you ask me. I might have a slight preference towards the incredible curves of Donna, though.

Behold, a set of rare scans you will most likely not have seen in alot of places on the interweb (only posted one other place by myself)! Thank God, Google did something amazing with Blogger...no ads and shit when clicking on pics!

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